CCI Small Rifle Primers for 223
In Benchrest competition, there’s no such thing as a group that’s “too small.” Everything has to be tuned to the highest degree to produce match-winning results. That’s why you should use CCI Benchrest primers. Only the most experienced skilled personnel put the priming mix in the cups, so you get the same flame, shot after shot. Benchrest Primers also use specially selected cups and anvils for added consistency. An independent researcher identified the use of CCI Benchrest primers as one of two factors that were the most significant contributors to tiny groups. CCI Primers are continuously tested and improved. As a result, today’s CCI primers are more sensitive, easier to seat, and more compatible with progressive and automated loading equipment than ever before. They utilize modern non-corrosive and non-mercuric initiator mixes for the cleanest burn possible.
CCI small rifle primers for 223
CCI Small Rifle Bench Rest Primers #BR4 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100)
CCI primers are highly evolved products because they continuously test and improve. Today’s CCI primer is more sensitive, easier to seat, and more compatible with progressive and automated loading equipment than ever before. CCI primers have always incorporated modern non-corrosive and non-mercuric initiator mixes.
CCI small rifle primers for 223
cci small rifle primers| cci small rifle primers for 223
In addition to their standard rifle, pistol, and shotshell primers, CCI offer Magnum primers, benchrest primers, and primers with mil-spec sensitivity for reloading military-style semi-auto rifles. CCI also makes an excellent line of percussion caps for muzzleloading enthusiasts and primers for the 50 BMG cartridge.
CCI small rifle primers for 223
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